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133 lines

  1. from typing import Any
  2. from typing import Generic
  3. from typing import Type
  4. from typing import TypeVar
  5. import attr
  6. from _pytest.compat import final
  7. class PytestWarning(UserWarning):
  8. """Base class for all warnings emitted by pytest."""
  9. __module__ = "pytest"
  10. @final
  11. class PytestAssertRewriteWarning(PytestWarning):
  12. """Warning emitted by the pytest assert rewrite module."""
  13. __module__ = "pytest"
  14. @final
  15. class PytestCacheWarning(PytestWarning):
  16. """Warning emitted by the cache plugin in various situations."""
  17. __module__ = "pytest"
  18. @final
  19. class PytestConfigWarning(PytestWarning):
  20. """Warning emitted for configuration issues."""
  21. __module__ = "pytest"
  22. @final
  23. class PytestCollectionWarning(PytestWarning):
  24. """Warning emitted when pytest is not able to collect a file or symbol in a module."""
  25. __module__ = "pytest"
  26. @final
  27. class PytestDeprecationWarning(PytestWarning, DeprecationWarning):
  28. """Warning class for features that will be removed in a future version."""
  29. __module__ = "pytest"
  30. @final
  31. class PytestExperimentalApiWarning(PytestWarning, FutureWarning):
  32. """Warning category used to denote experiments in pytest.
  33. Use sparingly as the API might change or even be removed completely in a
  34. future version.
  35. """
  36. __module__ = "pytest"
  37. @classmethod
  38. def simple(cls, apiname: str) -> "PytestExperimentalApiWarning":
  39. return cls(
  40. "{apiname} is an experimental api that may change over time".format(
  41. apiname=apiname
  42. )
  43. )
  44. @final
  45. class PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning(PytestWarning):
  46. """Warning emitted for an unhandled coroutine.
  47. A coroutine was encountered when collecting test functions, but was not
  48. handled by any async-aware plugin.
  49. Coroutine test functions are not natively supported.
  50. """
  51. __module__ = "pytest"
  52. @final
  53. class PytestUnknownMarkWarning(PytestWarning):
  54. """Warning emitted on use of unknown markers.
  55. See :ref:`mark` for details.
  56. """
  57. __module__ = "pytest"
  58. @final
  59. class PytestUnraisableExceptionWarning(PytestWarning):
  60. """An unraisable exception was reported.
  61. Unraisable exceptions are exceptions raised in :meth:`__del__ <object.__del__>`
  62. implementations and similar situations when the exception cannot be raised
  63. as normal.
  64. """
  65. __module__ = "pytest"
  66. @final
  67. class PytestUnhandledThreadExceptionWarning(PytestWarning):
  68. """An unhandled exception occurred in a :class:`~threading.Thread`.
  69. Such exceptions don't propagate normally.
  70. """
  71. __module__ = "pytest"
  72. _W = TypeVar("_W", bound=PytestWarning)
  73. @final
  74. @attr.s
  75. class UnformattedWarning(Generic[_W]):
  76. """A warning meant to be formatted during runtime.
  77. This is used to hold warnings that need to format their message at runtime,
  78. as opposed to a direct message.
  79. """
  80. category = attr.ib(type=Type["_W"])
  81. template = attr.ib(type=str)
  82. def format(self, **kwargs: Any) -> _W:
  83. """Return an instance of the warning category, formatted with given kwargs."""
  84. return self.category(self.template.format(**kwargs))