2021-07-21 21:33:05 +02:00

131 lines
5.2 KiB

from io import StringIO as TextIO
from io import BytesIO as BytesIO
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Generic, IO, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload
from typing_extensions import Final
import sys
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class FDCapture(Generic[AnyStr]):
def __init__(self, targetfd: int, tmpfile: Optional[IO[AnyStr]] = ..., now: bool = ..., patchsys: bool = ...) -> None: ...
def start(self) -> None: ...
def done(self) -> IO[AnyStr]: ...
def writeorg(self, data: AnyStr) -> None: ...
class StdCaptureFD:
def __init__(
out: Union[bool, IO[str]] = ...,
err: Union[bool, IO[str]] = ...,
mixed: bool = ...,
in_: bool = ...,
patchsys: bool = ...,
now: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def call(cls, func: Callable[..., _T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[_T, str, str]: ...
def reset(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: ...
def suspend(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: ...
def startall(self) -> None: ...
def resume(self) -> None: ...
def done(self, save: bool = ...) -> Tuple[IO[str], IO[str]]: ...
def readouterr(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: ...
class StdCapture:
def __init__(
out: Union[bool, IO[str]] = ...,
err: Union[bool, IO[str]] = ...,
in_: bool = ...,
mixed: bool = ...,
now: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def call(cls, func: Callable[..., _T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[_T, str, str]: ...
def reset(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: ...
def suspend(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: ...
def startall(self) -> None: ...
def resume(self) -> None: ...
def done(self, save: bool = ...) -> Tuple[IO[str], IO[str]]: ...
def readouterr(self) -> Tuple[IO[str], IO[str]]: ...
# XXX: The type here is not exactly right. If f is IO[bytes] and
# encoding is not None, returns some weird hybrid, not exactly IO[bytes].
def dupfile(
f: IO[AnyStr],
mode: Optional[str] = ...,
buffering: int = ...,
raising: bool = ...,
encoding: Optional[str] = ...,
) -> IO[AnyStr]: ...
def get_terminal_width() -> int: ...
def ansi_print(
text: Union[str, Text],
esc: Union[Union[str, Text], Tuple[Union[str, Text], ...]],
file: Optional[IO[Any]] = ...,
newline: bool = ...,
flush: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def saferepr(obj, maxsize: int = ...) -> str: ...
class TerminalWriter:
stringio: TextIO
encoding: Final[str]
hasmarkup: bool
def __init__(self, file: Optional[IO[str]] = ..., stringio: bool = ..., encoding: Optional[str] = ...) -> None: ...
def fullwidth(self) -> int: ...
def fullwidth(self, value: int) -> None: ...
def chars_on_current_line(self) -> int: ...
def width_of_current_line(self) -> int: ...
def markup(
text: str,
black: int = ..., red: int = ..., green: int = ..., yellow: int = ..., blue: int = ..., purple: int = ...,
cyan: int = ..., white: int = ..., Black: int = ..., Red: int = ..., Green: int = ..., Yellow: int = ...,
Blue: int = ..., Purple: int = ..., Cyan: int = ..., White: int = ..., bold: int = ..., light: int = ...,
blink: int = ..., invert: int = ...,
) -> str: ...
def sep(
sepchar: str,
title: Optional[str] = ...,
fullwidth: Optional[int] = ...,
black: int = ..., red: int = ..., green: int = ..., yellow: int = ..., blue: int = ..., purple: int = ...,
cyan: int = ..., white: int = ..., Black: int = ..., Red: int = ..., Green: int = ..., Yellow: int = ...,
Blue: int = ..., Purple: int = ..., Cyan: int = ..., White: int = ..., bold: int = ..., light: int = ...,
blink: int = ..., invert: int = ...,
) -> None: ...
def write(
msg: str,
black: int = ..., red: int = ..., green: int = ..., yellow: int = ..., blue: int = ..., purple: int = ...,
cyan: int = ..., white: int = ..., Black: int = ..., Red: int = ..., Green: int = ..., Yellow: int = ...,
Blue: int = ..., Purple: int = ..., Cyan: int = ..., White: int = ..., bold: int = ..., light: int = ...,
blink: int = ..., invert: int = ...,
) -> None: ...
def line(
s: str = ...,
black: int = ..., red: int = ..., green: int = ..., yellow: int = ..., blue: int = ..., purple: int = ...,
cyan: int = ..., white: int = ..., Black: int = ..., Red: int = ..., Green: int = ..., Yellow: int = ...,
Blue: int = ..., Purple: int = ..., Cyan: int = ..., White: int = ..., bold: int = ..., light: int = ...,
blink: int = ..., invert: int = ...,
) -> None: ...
def reline(
line: str,
black: int = ..., red: int = ..., green: int = ..., yellow: int = ..., blue: int = ..., purple: int = ...,
cyan: int = ..., white: int = ..., Black: int = ..., Red: int = ..., Green: int = ..., Yellow: int = ...,
Blue: int = ..., Purple: int = ..., Cyan: int = ..., White: int = ..., bold: int = ..., light: int = ...,
blink: int = ..., invert: int = ...,
) -> None: ...