648 lines
20 KiB
648 lines
20 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Definition of known messages, based on IDs from FHEM plugin
:copyright: (c) 2014 by Markus Ullmann.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
# environment constants
# python imports
from datetime import datetime
import struct
# environment imports
# custom imports
from maxcul.exceptions import (
MoritzError, LengthNotMatchingError,
MissingPayloadParameterError, UnknownMessageError
# local constants
0: "Cube",
1: "HeatingThermostat",
2: "HeatingThermostatPlus",
3: "WallMountedThermostat",
4: "ShutterContact",
5: "PushButton"
DEVICE_TYPES_BY_NAME = dict((v, k) for k, v in DEVICE_TYPES.items())
0: "auto",
1: "manual",
2: "temporary",
3: "boost",
0: "close",
2: "open",
"Sat" : 0,
"Sun" : 1,
"Mon" : 2,
"Tue" : 3,
"Wed" : 4,
"Thu" : 5,
"Fri" : 6
0 : 0,
5 : 1,
10: 2,
15: 3,
20: 4,
25: 5,
30: 6,
60: 7
class MoritzMessage(object):
"""Represents (de)coded message as seen on Moritz Wire"""
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
self.flag = 0
self.sender_id = 0
self.receiver_id = 0
self.group_id = 0
self.payload = ""
def decoded_payload(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_broadcast(self):
return self.receiver_id == 0
def decode_message(input_string):
"""Decodes given message and returns content in matching message class"""
if input_string.startswith("Zs"):
# outgoing messages can be parsed too, just cut the Z off as it doesn't matter
input_string = input_string[1:]
# Split MAX message
length = int(input_string[1:3], base=16)
counter = int(input_string[3:5], base=16)
flag = int(input_string[5:7], base=16)
msgtype = int(input_string[7:9], base=16)
sender_id = int(input_string[9:15], base=16)
receiver_id = int(input_string[15:21], base=16)
group_id = int(input_string[21:23], base=16)
payload = input_string[23:]
# Length: strlen(input_string) / 2 as HEX encoding, +3 for Z and length count
if (len(input_string) - 3) != length * 2:
raise LengthNotMatchingError(
"Message length %i not matching indicated length %i" % ((len(input_string) - 3) / 2, length))
message_class = MORITZ_MESSAGE_IDS[msgtype]
except KeyError:
raise UnknownMessageError("Unknown message with id %x found" % msgtype)
message = message_class()
message.counter = counter
message.flag = flag
message.group_id = group_id
message.sender_id = sender_id
message.receiver_id = receiver_id
message.payload = payload
return message
def encode_message(self, payload={}):
"""Prepare message to be sent on wire"""
msg_ids = dict((v, k) for k, v in MORITZ_MESSAGE_IDS.items())
msg_id = msg_ids[self.__class__]
message = ""
if hasattr(self, 'encode_payload'):
self.payload = self.encode_payload(payload)
if hasattr(self, 'encode_flag'):
self.flag = self.encode_flag()
for (var, length) in (
(self.counter, 2), (self.flag, 2), (msg_id, 2), (self.sender_id, 6), (self.receiver_id, 6),
(self.group_id, 2)):
content = "%X".upper() % var
message += content.zfill(length)
if self.payload:
message += self.payload
length = "%X".upper() % int(len(message) / 2)
message = "Zs" + length.zfill(2) + message
return message
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s counter:%x flag:%x sender:%x receiver:%x group:%x payload:%s>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.counter, self.flag, self.sender_id, self.receiver_id, self.group_id,
class PairPingMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Thermostats send this request on long boost keypress"""
def decoded_payload(self):
firmware_version, device_type, selftest_result = struct.unpack(">bBB", bytearray.fromhex(self.payload[:6]))
device_serial = bytearray.fromhex(self.payload[6:]).decode()
result = {
'firmware_version': "V%i.%i" % (firmware_version / 0x10, firmware_version % 0x10),
'device_type': DEVICE_TYPES[device_type],
'selftest_result': selftest_result,
'device_serial': device_serial,
'pairmode': 'pair' if self.is_broadcast else 're-pair'
return result
class PairPongMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Awaited after PairPingMessage is sent by component"""
def decoded_payload(self):
return {'devicetype': DEVICE_TYPES[int(self.payload)]}
def encode_payload(self, payload):
return str(DEVICE_TYPES_BY_NAME[payload['devicetype']]).zfill(2)
class AckMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Last command received and acknowledged.
Occasionally if the communication is ongoing, this might get lost.
So don't rely on it but check state afterwards instead"""
def decoded_payload(self):
result = {}
if self.payload.startswith("01"):
result["state"] = "ok"
elif self.payload.startswith("81"):
result["state"] = "invalid_command"
if len(self.payload) == 8:
# FIXME: temporarily accepting the fact that we only handle Thermostat results
return result
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload=None):
return payload
class TimeInformationMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Current time is either requested or encoded. Request simply is empty payload"""
def decoded_payload(self):
(years_since_200, day, hour, month_minute, month_sec) = struct.unpack(">BBBBB",
return datetime(
year=years_since_200 + 2000,
minute=month_minute & 0x3F,
month=((month_minute >> 4) & 0x0C) | ((month_sec >> 6) & 0x03),
second=month_sec & 0x3F
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x0A if not self.payload else 0x04
def encode_payload(self, payload=None):
# may contain empty payload to ask for timeinformation
if payload is None:
return ""
encoded_payload = str("%X" % (payload.year - 2000)).zfill(2)
encoded_payload += str("%X" % payload.day).zfill(2)
encoded_payload += str("%X" % payload.hour).zfill(2)
encoded_payload += str("%X" % (payload.minute | ((payload.month & 0x0C) << 4))).zfill(2)
encoded_payload += str("%X" % (payload.second | ((payload.month & 0x03) << 6))).zfill(2)
return encoded_payload
class ConfigWeekProfileMessage(MoritzMessage):
class ConfigTemperaturesMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Sets temperatur config"""
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "comfort_Temperature" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing comfort_Temperature in payload")
if "eco_Temperature" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing eco_Temperature in payload")
if "max_Temperature" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing max_Temperature in payload")
if "min_Temperature" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing min_Temperature in payload")
if "measurement_Offset" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing measurement_Offset in payload")
if "window_Open_Temperatur" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing window_Open_Temperatur in payload")
if "window_Open_Duration" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing window_Open_Duration in payload")
comfort_Temperature = "%0.2X" % int(payload['comfort_Temperature']*2)
eco_Temperature = "%0.2X" % int(payload['eco_Temperature']*2)
max_Temperature = "%0.2X" % int(payload['max_Temperature']*2)
min_Temperature = "%0.2X" % int(payload['min_Temperature']*2)
measurement_Offset = "%0.2X" % int((payload['measurement_Offset'] + 3.5)*2)
window_Open_Temperatur = "%0.2X" % int(payload['window_Open_Temperatur']*2)
window_Open_Duration = "%0.2X" % int(payload['window_Open_Duration']/5)
content = comfort_Temperature + eco_Temperature + max_Temperature + min_Temperature + measurement_Offset + window_Open_Temperatur +window_Open_Duration
return content
class ConfigValveMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Sets valve config"""
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "boost_duration" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing boost duration in payload")
if "boost_valve_position" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing boost valve position in payload")
if "decalc_day" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing decalc day in payload")
if "decalc_hour" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing decalc hour in payload")
if "max_valve_position" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing max valve position in payload")
if "valve_offset" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing valve offset in payload")
boost = "%0.2X" % ((BOOST_DURATION[payload["boost_duration"]] << 5) | int(payload["boost_valve_position"]/5))
decalc = "%0.2X" % ((DECALC_DAYS[payload["decalc_day"]] << 5) | payload["decalc_hour"])
max_valve_position = "%0.2X" % int(payload["max_valve_position"]*255/100)
valve_offset = "%0.2X" % int(payload["valve_offset"]*255/100)
content = boost + decalc + max_valve_position + valve_offset
return content
class AddLinkPartnerMessage(MoritzMessage):
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "assocDevice" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing assocDevice in payload")
if "assocDeviceType" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing assocDeviceType in payload")
assocDevice = "%0.6X" % int(payload["assocDevice"])
assocDeviceType = "%0.2X" % list(DEVICE_TYPES.keys())[list(DEVICE_TYPES.values()).index(payload["assocDeviceType"])]
return assocDevice + assocDeviceType
class RemoveLinkPartnerMessage(MoritzMessage):
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "assocDevice" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing assocDevice in payload")
if "assocDeviceType" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing assocDeviceType in payload")
assocDevice = payload["assocDevice"]
assocDeviceType = "%0.2X" % DEVICE_TYPES[payload["assocDeviceType"]]
return assocDevice + assocDeviceType
class SetGroupIdMessage(MoritzMessage):
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "group_id" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing group id in payload")
groupId = "%0.2X" % payload["group_id"]
return groupId
class RemoveGroupIdMessage(MoritzMessage):
def decoded_payload(self):
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
overrideGroupId = "00"
return overrideGroupId
class ShutterContactStateMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Non-reculary sent by Thermostats to report when valve was moved or command received."""
def decode_status(payload):
status_bits = bin(int(payload, 16))[2:].zfill(8)
state = int(status_bits[6:],2)
unkbits = int(status_bits[2:6],2)
rferror = int(status_bits[1],2)
battery_low = int(status_bits[0],2)
result = {
"state": SHUTTER_STATES[state],
"unkbits": unkbits,
"rferror": bool(rferror),
"battery_low": bool(battery_low)
return result
def decoded_payload(self):
result = ShutterContactStateMessage.decode_status(self.payload)
return result
class SetTemperatureMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Sets temperature for manual mode as well as mode switch between manual, auto and boost"""
def decoded_payload(self):
payload = struct.unpack(">B", bytearray.fromhex(self.payload[0:4]))
return {
'desired_temperature': ((payload[0] & 0x3F) / 2.0),
'mode': MODE_IDS[payload[0] >> 6]
def encode_flag(self):
return 0x4 if self.group_id else 0x0
def encode_payload(self, payload):
if "desired_temperature" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing desired_temperature in payload")
if "mode" not in payload:
raise MissingPayloadParameterError("Missing mode in payload")
if payload['desired_temperature'] > 30.5:
desired_temperature = 30.5 # "ON"
elif payload['desired_temperature'] < 4.5:
desired_temperature = 4.5 # "OFF"
# always round to nearest 0.5 first
desired_temperature = round(payload['desired_temperature'] * 2) / 2.0
int_temperature = int(desired_temperature * 2)
modes = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in MODE_IDS.items())
mode = modes[payload['mode']]
# TODO: you can add a until time for chort changes
# from fhem
# $until = sprintf("%06x",MAX_DateTime2Internal($args[2]." ".$args[3]));
# $payload .= $until if(defined($until));
content = "%X".upper() % ((mode << 6) | int_temperature)
return content.zfill(2)
class WallThermostatControlMessage(MoritzMessage):
def decode_status(payload):
rawTempratures = bin(int(payload, 16))[2:].zfill(16)
result = {
"desired_temprature": int(rawTempratures[1:8], 2)/2,
"temprature": ((int(rawTempratures[0], 2) << 8) + int(rawTempratures[8:], 2))/10
return result
def decoded_payload(self):
result = WallThermostatControlMessage.decode_status(self.payload)
return result
class SetComfortTemperatureMessage(MoritzMessage):
class SetEcoTemperatureMessage(MoritzMessage):
class PushButtonStateMessage(MoritzMessage):
class ThermostatStateMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Non-reculary sent by Thermostats to report when valve was moved or command received."""
def decode_status(payload):
status_bits, valve_position, desired_temperature = struct.unpack(">bBB", bytearray.fromhex(payload[0:6]))
mode = status_bits & 0x3
dstsetting = status_bits & 0x04
langateway = status_bits & 0x08
status_bits = status_bits >> 9
is_locked = status_bits & 0x1
rferror = status_bits & 0x2
battery_low = status_bits & 0x4
desired_temperature = (desired_temperature & 0x7F) / 2.0
result = {
"mode": MODE_IDS[mode],
"dstsetting": bool(dstsetting),
"langateway": bool(langateway),
"is_locked": bool(is_locked),
"rferror": bool(rferror),
"battery_low": bool(battery_low),
"desired_temperature": desired_temperature,
"valve_position": valve_position,
return result
def decoded_payload(self):
result = ThermostatStateMessage.decode_status(self.payload)
if len(self.payload) > 6:
pending_payload = bytearray.fromhex(self.payload[6:])
if len(pending_payload) == 3:
# TODO handle date string
elif len(pending_payload) == 2 and result['mode'] != 'temporary':
result["measured_temperature"] = (((pending_payload[0] & 0x1) << 8) + pending_payload[1]) / 10.0
# unknown....
return result
class WallThermostatStateMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Non-reculary sent by Thermostats to report when valve was moved or command received."""
def decode_status(payload):
status_bits = bin(int(payload[:2], 16))[2:].zfill(8)
mode = int(status_bits[:2], 2)
dstsetting = int(status_bits[2:3], 2)
langateway = int(status_bits[3:4], 2)
is_locked = int(status_bits[4:5], 2)
rferror = int(status_bits[5:6], 2)
battery_low = int(status_bits[6:7], 2)
display_actual_temperature = bool(int(payload[2:4], 16))
desired_temperature_raw = bin(int(payload[4:6], 16))[2:].zfill(8)
desired_temperature = int(desired_temperature_raw[1:8], 2)/2
heater_temperature = ""
null1 = False
if len(payload) > 6:
null1 = payload[6:8]
if len(payload) > 8:
heater_temperature = payload[8:10]
null2 = False
if len(payload) > 10:
null2 = payload[10:12]
if len(payload) > 12:
temperature = ((int(desired_temperature_raw[0], 2) << 8) + int(payload[12:], 16)) / 10
until_str = ""
if null1 and null2:
until_str = parseDateTime(null1, heater_temperature, null2)
temperature = int(heater_temperature, 16)/10
result = {
"mode": MODE_IDS[mode],
"dstsetting": bool(dstsetting),
"langateway": bool(langateway),
"is_locked": bool(is_locked),
"rferror": bool(rferror),
"battery_low": bool(battery_low),
"desired_temperature": desired_temperature,
"display_actual_temperature": display_actual_temperature,
"temperature": temperature,
"until_str": until_str
return result
def decoded_payload(self):
result = WallThermostatStateMessage.decode_status(self.payload)
return result
def parseDateTime(byte1, byte2, byte3):
day = int(byte1, 16) & 0x1F
month = ((int(byte1, 16) & 0xE0) >> 4) | (int(byte2, 16) >> 7)
year = int(byte2, 16) & 0x3F
time = int(byte3, 16) & 0x3F
if time%2:
time = int(time/2) + ':30'
time = int(time/2) + ":00"
return {
"day": day,
"month": month,
"year": year,
"time": time
class SetDisplayActualTemperatureMessage(MoritzMessage):
class WakeUpMessage(MoritzMessage):
class ResetMessage(MoritzMessage):
"""Perform a factory reset on given device"""
# Define at bottom so we can use the class types right away
# Based on FHEM CUL_MAX module
0x00: PairPingMessage,
0x01: PairPongMessage,
0x02: AckMessage,
0x03: TimeInformationMessage,
0x10: ConfigWeekProfileMessage,
0x11: ConfigTemperaturesMessage,
0x12: ConfigValveMessage,
0x20: AddLinkPartnerMessage,
0x21: RemoveLinkPartnerMessage,
0x22: SetGroupIdMessage,
0x23: RemoveGroupIdMessage,
0x30: ShutterContactStateMessage,
0x40: SetTemperatureMessage,
0x42: WallThermostatControlMessage,
0x43: SetComfortTemperatureMessage,
0x44: SetEcoTemperatureMessage,
0x50: PushButtonStateMessage,
0x60: ThermostatStateMessage,
0x70: WallThermostatStateMessage,
0x82: SetDisplayActualTemperatureMessage,
0xF1: WakeUpMessage,
0xF0: ResetMessage,