# ext/declarative/base.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Internal implementation for declarative.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import weakref from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes from sqlalchemy.orm import instrumentation from . import clsregistry from . import exc as orm_exc from . import mapper as mapperlib from .attributes import InstrumentedAttribute from .attributes import QueryableAttribute from .base import _is_mapped_class from .base import InspectionAttr from .descriptor_props import CompositeProperty from .descriptor_props import SynonymProperty from .interfaces import MapperProperty from .mapper import Mapper as mapper from .properties import ColumnProperty from .util import class_mapper from .. import event from .. import exc from .. import util from ..sql import expression from ..sql.schema import Column from ..sql.schema import Table from ..util import topological def _declared_mapping_info(cls): # deferred mapping if _DeferredMapperConfig.has_cls(cls): return _DeferredMapperConfig.config_for_cls(cls) # regular mapping elif _is_mapped_class(cls): return class_mapper(cls, configure=False) else: return None def _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(cls): if cls is object: return None if cls.__dict__.get("__abstract__", False): for sup in cls.__bases__: sup = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(sup) if sup is not None: return sup else: return None else: clsmanager = _dive_for_cls_manager(cls) if clsmanager: return clsmanager.class_ else: return cls def _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, attrname, strict=False): """return an attribute of the class that is either present directly on the class, e.g. not on a superclass, or is from a superclass but this superclass is a non-mapped mixin, that is, not a descendant of the declarative base and is also not classically mapped. This is used to detect attributes that indicate something about a mapped class independently from any mapped classes that it may inherit from. """ # the rules are different for this name than others, # make sure we've moved it out. transitional assert attrname != "__abstract__" if not issubclass(cls, object): return None if attrname in cls.__dict__: return getattr(cls, attrname) for base in cls.__mro__[1:]: _is_classicial_inherits = _dive_for_cls_manager(base) if attrname in base.__dict__ and ( base is cls or ( (base in cls.__bases__ if strict else True) and not _is_classicial_inherits ) ): return getattr(base, attrname) else: return None def _dive_for_cls_manager(cls): # because the class manager registration is pluggable, # we need to do the search for every class in the hierarchy, # rather than just a simple "cls._sa_class_manager" # python 2 old style class if not hasattr(cls, "__mro__"): return None for base in cls.__mro__: manager = attributes.manager_of_class(base) if manager: return manager return None def _as_declarative(registry, cls, dict_): # declarative scans the class for attributes. no table or mapper # args passed separately. return _MapperConfig.setup_mapping(registry, cls, dict_, None, {}) def _mapper(registry, cls, table, mapper_kw): _ImperativeMapperConfig(registry, cls, table, mapper_kw) return cls.__mapper__ @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api") def _is_declarative_props(obj): declared_attr = util.preloaded.orm_decl_api.declared_attr return isinstance(obj, (declared_attr, util.classproperty)) def _check_declared_props_nocascade(obj, name, cls): if _is_declarative_props(obj): if getattr(obj, "_cascading", False): util.warn( "@declared_attr.cascading is not supported on the %s " "attribute on class %s. This attribute invokes for " "subclasses in any case." % (name, cls) ) return True else: return False class _MapperConfig(object): __slots__ = ("cls", "classname", "properties", "declared_attr_reg") @classmethod def setup_mapping(cls, registry, cls_, dict_, table, mapper_kw): manager = attributes.manager_of_class(cls) if manager and manager.class_ is cls_: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Class %r already has been " "instrumented declaratively" % cls ) if cls_.__dict__.get("__abstract__", False): return defer_map = _get_immediate_cls_attr( cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True ) or hasattr(cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare") if defer_map: cfg_cls = _DeferredMapperConfig else: cfg_cls = _ClassScanMapperConfig return cfg_cls(registry, cls_, dict_, table, mapper_kw) def __init__(self, registry, cls_): self.cls = cls_ self.classname = cls_.__name__ self.properties = util.OrderedDict() self.declared_attr_reg = {} instrumentation.register_class( self.cls, finalize=False, registry=registry, declarative_scan=self, init_method=registry.constructor, ) def set_cls_attribute(self, attrname, value): manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(self.cls) manager.install_member(attrname, value) return value def _early_mapping(self, mapper_kw): self.map(mapper_kw) class _ImperativeMapperConfig(_MapperConfig): __slots__ = ("dict_", "local_table", "inherits") def __init__( self, registry, cls_, table, mapper_kw, ): super(_ImperativeMapperConfig, self).__init__(registry, cls_) self.dict_ = {} self.local_table = self.set_cls_attribute("__table__", table) with mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX: clsregistry.add_class( self.classname, self.cls, registry._class_registry ) self._setup_inheritance(mapper_kw) self._early_mapping(mapper_kw) def map(self, mapper_kw=util.EMPTY_DICT): mapper_cls = mapper return self.set_cls_attribute( "__mapper__", mapper_cls(self.cls, self.local_table, **mapper_kw), ) def _setup_inheritance(self, mapper_kw): cls = self.cls inherits = mapper_kw.get("inherits", None) if inherits is None: # since we search for classical mappings now, search for # multiple mapped bases as well and raise an error. inherits_search = [] for c in cls.__bases__: c = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(c) if c is None: continue if _declared_mapping_info( c ) is not None and not _get_immediate_cls_attr( c, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True ): inherits_search.append(c) if inherits_search: if len(inherits_search) > 1: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Class %s has multiple mapped bases: %r" % (cls, inherits_search) ) inherits = inherits_search[0] elif isinstance(inherits, mapper): inherits = inherits.class_ self.inherits = inherits class _ClassScanMapperConfig(_MapperConfig): __slots__ = ( "dict_", "local_table", "persist_selectable", "declared_columns", "column_copies", "table_args", "tablename", "mapper_args", "mapper_args_fn", "inherits", ) def __init__( self, registry, cls_, dict_, table, mapper_kw, ): super(_ClassScanMapperConfig, self).__init__(registry, cls_) self.dict_ = dict(dict_) if dict_ else {} self.persist_selectable = None self.declared_columns = set() self.column_copies = {} self._setup_declared_events() self._scan_attributes() with mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX: clsregistry.add_class( self.classname, self.cls, registry._class_registry ) self._extract_mappable_attributes() self._extract_declared_columns() self._setup_table(table) self._setup_inheritance(mapper_kw) self._early_mapping(mapper_kw) def _setup_declared_events(self): if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_last__"): @event.listens_for(mapper, "after_configured") def after_configured(): self.cls.__declare_last__() if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_first__"): @event.listens_for(mapper, "before_configured") def before_configured(): self.cls.__declare_first__() def _cls_attr_override_checker(self, cls): """Produce a function that checks if a class has overridden an attribute, taking SQLAlchemy-enabled dataclass fields into account. """ sa_dataclass_metadata_key = _get_immediate_cls_attr( cls, "__sa_dataclass_metadata_key__", None ) if sa_dataclass_metadata_key is None: def attribute_is_overridden(key, obj): return getattr(cls, key) is not obj else: all_datacls_fields = { f.name: f.metadata[sa_dataclass_metadata_key] for f in util.dataclass_fields(cls) if sa_dataclass_metadata_key in f.metadata } local_datacls_fields = { f.name: f.metadata[sa_dataclass_metadata_key] for f in util.local_dataclass_fields(cls) if sa_dataclass_metadata_key in f.metadata } absent = object() def attribute_is_overridden(key, obj): if _is_declarative_props(obj): obj = obj.fget # this function likely has some failure modes still if # someone is doing a deep mixing of the same attribute # name as plain Python attribute vs. dataclass field. ret = local_datacls_fields.get(key, absent) if _is_declarative_props(ret): ret = ret.fget if ret is obj: return False elif ret is not absent: return True all_field = all_datacls_fields.get(key, absent) ret = getattr(cls, key, obj) if ret is obj: return False # for dataclasses, this could be the # 'default' of the field. so filter more specifically # for an already-mapped InstrumentedAttribute if ret is not absent and isinstance( ret, InstrumentedAttribute ): return True if all_field is obj: return False elif all_field is not absent: return True # can't find another attribute return False return attribute_is_overridden def _cls_attr_resolver(self, cls): """produce a function to iterate the "attributes" of a class, adjusting for SQLAlchemy fields embedded in dataclass fields. """ sa_dataclass_metadata_key = _get_immediate_cls_attr( cls, "__sa_dataclass_metadata_key__", None ) if sa_dataclass_metadata_key is None: def local_attributes_for_class(): for name, obj in vars(cls).items(): yield name, obj, False else: field_names = set() def local_attributes_for_class(): for field in util.local_dataclass_fields(cls): if sa_dataclass_metadata_key in field.metadata: field_names.add(field.name) yield field.name, _as_dc_declaredattr( field.metadata, sa_dataclass_metadata_key ), True for name, obj in vars(cls).items(): if name not in field_names: yield name, obj, False return local_attributes_for_class def _scan_attributes(self): cls = self.cls dict_ = self.dict_ column_copies = self.column_copies mapper_args_fn = None table_args = inherited_table_args = None tablename = None attribute_is_overridden = self._cls_attr_override_checker(self.cls) for base in cls.__mro__: class_mapped = ( base is not cls and _declared_mapping_info(base) is not None and not _get_immediate_cls_attr( base, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True ) ) local_attributes_for_class = self._cls_attr_resolver(base) if not class_mapped and base is not cls: self._produce_column_copies( local_attributes_for_class, attribute_is_overridden ) for name, obj, is_dataclass in local_attributes_for_class(): if name == "__mapper_args__": check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( obj, name, cls ) if not mapper_args_fn and (not class_mapped or check_decl): # don't even invoke __mapper_args__ until # after we've determined everything about the # mapped table. # make a copy of it so a class-level dictionary # is not overwritten when we update column-based # arguments. def mapper_args_fn(): return dict(cls.__mapper_args__) elif name == "__tablename__": check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( obj, name, cls ) if not tablename and (not class_mapped or check_decl): tablename = cls.__tablename__ elif name == "__table_args__": check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( obj, name, cls ) if not table_args and (not class_mapped or check_decl): table_args = cls.__table_args__ if not isinstance( table_args, (tuple, dict, type(None)) ): raise exc.ArgumentError( "__table_args__ value must be a tuple, " "dict, or None" ) if base is not cls: inherited_table_args = True elif class_mapped: if _is_declarative_props(obj): util.warn( "Regular (i.e. not __special__) " "attribute '%s.%s' uses @declared_attr, " "but owning class %s is mapped - " "not applying to subclass %s." % (base.__name__, name, base, cls) ) continue elif base is not cls: # we're a mixin, abstract base, or something that is # acting like that for now. if isinstance(obj, Column): # already copied columns to the mapped class. continue elif isinstance(obj, MapperProperty): raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Mapper properties (i.e. deferred," "column_property(), relationship(), etc.) must " "be declared as @declared_attr callables " "on declarative mixin classes. For dataclass " "field() objects, use a lambda:" ) elif _is_declarative_props(obj): if obj._cascading: if name in dict_: # unfortunately, while we can use the user- # defined attribute here to allow a clean # override, if there's another # subclass below then it still tries to use # this. not sure if there is enough # information here to add this as a feature # later on. util.warn( "Attribute '%s' on class %s cannot be " "processed due to " "@declared_attr.cascading; " "skipping" % (name, cls) ) dict_[name] = column_copies[ obj ] = ret = obj.__get__(obj, cls) setattr(cls, name, ret) else: if is_dataclass: # access attribute using normal class access # first, to see if it's been mapped on a # superclass. note if the dataclasses.field() # has "default", this value can be anything. ret = getattr(cls, name, None) # so, if it's anything that's not ORM # mapped, assume we should invoke the # declared_attr if not isinstance(ret, InspectionAttr): ret = obj.fget() else: # access attribute using normal class access. # if the declared attr already took place # on a superclass that is mapped, then # this is no longer a declared_attr, it will # be the InstrumentedAttribute ret = getattr(cls, name) # correct for proxies created from hybrid_property # or similar. note there is no known case that # produces nested proxies, so we are only # looking one level deep right now. if ( isinstance(ret, InspectionAttr) and ret._is_internal_proxy and not isinstance( ret.original_property, MapperProperty ) ): ret = ret.descriptor dict_[name] = column_copies[obj] = ret if ( isinstance(ret, (Column, MapperProperty)) and ret.doc is None ): ret.doc = obj.__doc__ # here, the attribute is some other kind of property that # we assume is not part of the declarative mapping. # however, check for some more common mistakes else: self._warn_for_decl_attributes(base, name, obj) elif is_dataclass and ( name not in dict_ or dict_[name] is not obj ): # here, we are definitely looking at the target class # and not a superclass. this is currently a # dataclass-only path. if the name is only # a dataclass field and isn't in local cls.__dict__, # put the object there. # assert that the dataclass-enabled resolver agrees # with what we are seeing assert not attribute_is_overridden(name, obj) if _is_declarative_props(obj): obj = obj.fget() dict_[name] = obj if inherited_table_args and not tablename: table_args = None self.table_args = table_args self.tablename = tablename self.mapper_args_fn = mapper_args_fn def _warn_for_decl_attributes(self, cls, key, c): if isinstance(c, expression.ColumnClause): util.warn( "Attribute '%s' on class %s appears to be a non-schema " "'sqlalchemy.sql.column()' " "object; this won't be part of the declarative mapping" % (key, cls) ) def _produce_column_copies( self, attributes_for_class, attribute_is_overridden ): cls = self.cls dict_ = self.dict_ column_copies = self.column_copies # copy mixin columns to the mapped class for name, obj, is_dataclass in attributes_for_class(): if isinstance(obj, Column): if attribute_is_overridden(name, obj): # if column has been overridden # (like by the InstrumentedAttribute of the # superclass), skip continue elif obj.foreign_keys: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Columns with foreign keys to other columns " "must be declared as @declared_attr callables " "on declarative mixin classes. For dataclass " "field() objects, use a lambda:." ) elif name not in dict_ and not ( "__table__" in dict_ and (obj.name or name) in dict_["__table__"].c ): column_copies[obj] = copy_ = obj._copy() copy_._creation_order = obj._creation_order setattr(cls, name, copy_) dict_[name] = copy_ def _extract_mappable_attributes(self): cls = self.cls dict_ = self.dict_ our_stuff = self.properties late_mapped = _get_immediate_cls_attr( cls, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True ) for k in list(dict_): if k in ("__table__", "__tablename__", "__mapper_args__"): continue value = dict_[k] if _is_declarative_props(value): if value._cascading: util.warn( "Use of @declared_attr.cascading only applies to " "Declarative 'mixin' and 'abstract' classes. " "Currently, this flag is ignored on mapped class " "%s" % self.cls ) value = getattr(cls, k) elif ( isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute) and value.class_ is not cls and value.key != k ): # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym() value = SynonymProperty(value.key) setattr(cls, k, value) if ( isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 1 and isinstance(value[0], (Column, MapperProperty)) ): util.warn( "Ignoring declarative-like tuple value of attribute " "'%s': possibly a copy-and-paste error with a comma " "accidentally placed at the end of the line?" % k ) continue elif not isinstance(value, (Column, MapperProperty)): # using @declared_attr for some object that # isn't Column/MapperProperty; remove from the dict_ # and place the evaluated value onto the class. if not k.startswith("__"): dict_.pop(k) self._warn_for_decl_attributes(cls, k, value) if not late_mapped: setattr(cls, k, value) continue # we expect to see the name 'metadata' in some valid cases; # however at this point we see it's assigned to something trying # to be mapped, so raise for that. elif k == "metadata": raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Attribute name 'metadata' is reserved " "for the MetaData instance when using a " "declarative base class." ) our_stuff[k] = value def _extract_declared_columns(self): our_stuff = self.properties # set up attributes in the order they were created util.sort_dictionary( our_stuff, key=lambda key: our_stuff[key]._creation_order ) # extract columns from the class dict declared_columns = self.declared_columns name_to_prop_key = collections.defaultdict(set) for key, c in list(our_stuff.items()): if isinstance(c, (ColumnProperty, CompositeProperty)): for col in c.columns: if isinstance(col, Column) and col.table is None: _undefer_column_name(key, col) if not isinstance(c, CompositeProperty): name_to_prop_key[col.name].add(key) declared_columns.add(col) elif isinstance(c, Column): _undefer_column_name(key, c) name_to_prop_key[c.name].add(key) declared_columns.add(c) # if the column is the same name as the key, # remove it from the explicit properties dict. # the normal rules for assigning column-based properties # will take over, including precedence of columns # in multi-column ColumnProperties. if key == c.key: del our_stuff[key] for name, keys in name_to_prop_key.items(): if len(keys) > 1: util.warn( "On class %r, Column object %r named " "directly multiple times, " "only one will be used: %s. " "Consider using orm.synonym instead" % (self.classname, name, (", ".join(sorted(keys)))) ) def _setup_table(self, table=None): cls = self.cls tablename = self.tablename table_args = self.table_args dict_ = self.dict_ declared_columns = self.declared_columns manager = attributes.manager_of_class(cls) declared_columns = self.declared_columns = sorted( declared_columns, key=lambda c: c._creation_order ) if "__table__" not in dict_ and table is None: if hasattr(cls, "__table_cls__"): table_cls = util.unbound_method_to_callable(cls.__table_cls__) else: table_cls = Table if tablename is not None: args, table_kw = (), {} if table_args: if isinstance(table_args, dict): table_kw = table_args elif isinstance(table_args, tuple): if isinstance(table_args[-1], dict): args, table_kw = table_args[0:-1], table_args[-1] else: args = table_args autoload_with = dict_.get("__autoload_with__") if autoload_with: table_kw["autoload_with"] = autoload_with autoload = dict_.get("__autoload__") if autoload: table_kw["autoload"] = True table = self.set_cls_attribute( "__table__", table_cls( tablename, self._metadata_for_cls(manager), *(tuple(declared_columns) + tuple(args)), **table_kw ), ) else: if table is None: table = cls.__table__ if declared_columns: for c in declared_columns: if not table.c.contains_column(c): raise exc.ArgumentError( "Can't add additional column %r when " "specifying __table__" % c.key ) self.local_table = table def _metadata_for_cls(self, manager): if hasattr(self.cls, "metadata"): return self.cls.metadata else: return manager.registry.metadata def _setup_inheritance(self, mapper_kw): table = self.local_table cls = self.cls table_args = self.table_args declared_columns = self.declared_columns inherits = mapper_kw.get("inherits", None) if inherits is None: # since we search for classical mappings now, search for # multiple mapped bases as well and raise an error. inherits_search = [] for c in cls.__bases__: c = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(c) if c is None: continue if _declared_mapping_info( c ) is not None and not _get_immediate_cls_attr( c, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True ): if c not in inherits_search: inherits_search.append(c) if inherits_search: if len(inherits_search) > 1: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Class %s has multiple mapped bases: %r" % (cls, inherits_search) ) inherits = inherits_search[0] elif isinstance(inherits, mapper): inherits = inherits.class_ self.inherits = inherits if ( table is None and self.inherits is None and not _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, "__no_table__") ): raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Class %r does not have a __table__ or __tablename__ " "specified and does not inherit from an existing " "table-mapped class." % cls ) elif self.inherits: inherited_mapper = _declared_mapping_info(self.inherits) inherited_table = inherited_mapper.local_table inherited_persist_selectable = inherited_mapper.persist_selectable if table is None: # single table inheritance. # ensure no table args if table_args: raise exc.ArgumentError( "Can't place __table_args__ on an inherited class " "with no table." ) # add any columns declared here to the inherited table. for c in declared_columns: if c.name in inherited_table.c: if inherited_table.c[c.name] is c: continue raise exc.ArgumentError( "Column '%s' on class %s conflicts with " "existing column '%s'" % (c, cls, inherited_table.c[c.name]) ) if c.primary_key: raise exc.ArgumentError( "Can't place primary key columns on an inherited " "class with no table." ) inherited_table.append_column(c) if ( inherited_persist_selectable is not None and inherited_persist_selectable is not inherited_table ): inherited_persist_selectable._refresh_for_new_column(c) def _prepare_mapper_arguments(self, mapper_kw): properties = self.properties if self.mapper_args_fn: mapper_args = self.mapper_args_fn() else: mapper_args = {} if mapper_kw: mapper_args.update(mapper_kw) if "properties" in mapper_args: properties = dict(properties) properties.update(mapper_args["properties"]) # make sure that column copies are used rather # than the original columns from any mixins for k in ("version_id_col", "polymorphic_on"): if k in mapper_args: v = mapper_args[k] mapper_args[k] = self.column_copies.get(v, v) if "inherits" in mapper_args: inherits_arg = mapper_args["inherits"] if isinstance(inherits_arg, mapper): inherits_arg = inherits_arg.class_ if inherits_arg is not self.inherits: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "mapper inherits argument given for non-inheriting " "class %s" % (mapper_args["inherits"]) ) if self.inherits: mapper_args["inherits"] = self.inherits if self.inherits and not mapper_args.get("concrete", False): # single or joined inheritance # exclude any cols on the inherited table which are # not mapped on the parent class, to avoid # mapping columns specific to sibling/nephew classes inherited_mapper = _declared_mapping_info(self.inherits) inherited_table = inherited_mapper.local_table if "exclude_properties" not in mapper_args: mapper_args["exclude_properties"] = exclude_properties = set( [ c.key for c in inherited_table.c if c not in inherited_mapper._columntoproperty ] ).union(inherited_mapper.exclude_properties or ()) exclude_properties.difference_update( [c.key for c in self.declared_columns] ) # look through columns in the current mapper that # are keyed to a propname different than the colname # (if names were the same, we'd have popped it out above, # in which case the mapper makes this combination). # See if the superclass has a similar column property. # If so, join them together. for k, col in list(properties.items()): if not isinstance(col, expression.ColumnElement): continue if k in inherited_mapper._props: p = inherited_mapper._props[k] if isinstance(p, ColumnProperty): # note here we place the subclass column # first. See [ticket:1892] for background. properties[k] = [col] + p.columns result_mapper_args = mapper_args.copy() result_mapper_args["properties"] = properties self.mapper_args = result_mapper_args def map(self, mapper_kw=util.EMPTY_DICT): self._prepare_mapper_arguments(mapper_kw) if hasattr(self.cls, "__mapper_cls__"): mapper_cls = util.unbound_method_to_callable( self.cls.__mapper_cls__ ) else: mapper_cls = mapper return self.set_cls_attribute( "__mapper__", mapper_cls(self.cls, self.local_table, **self.mapper_args), ) @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api") def _as_dc_declaredattr(field_metadata, sa_dataclass_metadata_key): # wrap lambdas inside dataclass fields inside an ad-hoc declared_attr. # we can't write it because field.metadata is immutable :( so we have # to go through extra trouble to compare these decl_api = util.preloaded.orm_decl_api obj = field_metadata[sa_dataclass_metadata_key] if callable(obj) and not isinstance(obj, decl_api.declared_attr): return decl_api.declared_attr(obj) else: return obj class _DeferredMapperConfig(_ClassScanMapperConfig): _configs = util.OrderedDict() def _early_mapping(self, mapper_kw): pass @property def cls(self): return self._cls() @cls.setter def cls(self, class_): self._cls = weakref.ref(class_, self._remove_config_cls) self._configs[self._cls] = self @classmethod def _remove_config_cls(cls, ref): cls._configs.pop(ref, None) @classmethod def has_cls(cls, class_): # 2.6 fails on weakref if class_ is an old style class return isinstance(class_, type) and weakref.ref(class_) in cls._configs @classmethod def raise_unmapped_for_cls(cls, class_): if hasattr(class_, "_sa_raise_deferred_config"): class_._sa_raise_deferred_config() raise orm_exc.UnmappedClassError( class_, msg="Class %s has a deferred mapping on it. It is not yet " "usable as a mapped class." % orm_exc._safe_cls_name(class_), ) @classmethod def config_for_cls(cls, class_): return cls._configs[weakref.ref(class_)] @classmethod def classes_for_base(cls, base_cls, sort=True): classes_for_base = [ m for m, cls_ in [(m, m.cls) for m in cls._configs.values()] if cls_ is not None and issubclass(cls_, base_cls) ] if not sort: return classes_for_base all_m_by_cls = dict((m.cls, m) for m in classes_for_base) tuples = [] for m_cls in all_m_by_cls: tuples.extend( (all_m_by_cls[base_cls], all_m_by_cls[m_cls]) for base_cls in m_cls.__bases__ if base_cls in all_m_by_cls ) return list(topological.sort(tuples, classes_for_base)) def map(self, mapper_kw=util.EMPTY_DICT): self._configs.pop(self._cls, None) return super(_DeferredMapperConfig, self).map(mapper_kw) def _add_attribute(cls, key, value): """add an attribute to an existing declarative class. This runs through the logic to determine MapperProperty, adds it to the Mapper, adds a column to the mapped Table, etc. """ if "__mapper__" in cls.__dict__: if isinstance(value, Column): _undefer_column_name(key, value) cls.__table__.append_column(value, replace_existing=True) cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) elif isinstance(value, ColumnProperty): for col in value.columns: if isinstance(col, Column) and col.table is None: _undefer_column_name(key, col) cls.__table__.append_column(col, replace_existing=True) cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) elif isinstance(value, MapperProperty): cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) elif isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute) and value.key != key: # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym() value = SynonymProperty(value.key) cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) else: type.__setattr__(cls, key, value) cls.__mapper__._expire_memoizations() else: type.__setattr__(cls, key, value) def _del_attribute(cls, key): if ( "__mapper__" in cls.__dict__ and key in cls.__dict__ and not cls.__mapper__._dispose_called ): value = cls.__dict__[key] if isinstance( value, (Column, ColumnProperty, MapperProperty, QueryableAttribute) ): raise NotImplementedError( "Can't un-map individual mapped attributes on a mapped class." ) else: type.__delattr__(cls, key) cls.__mapper__._expire_memoizations() else: type.__delattr__(cls, key) def _declarative_constructor(self, **kwargs): """A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs. Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in ``kwargs``. Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships. """ cls_ = type(self) for k in kwargs: if not hasattr(cls_, k): raise TypeError( "%r is an invalid keyword argument for %s" % (k, cls_.__name__) ) setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) _declarative_constructor.__name__ = "__init__" def _undefer_column_name(key, column): if column.key is None: column.key = key if column.name is None: column.name = key