# engine/util.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php from .. import exc from .. import util from ..util import collections_abc from ..util import immutabledict def connection_memoize(key): """Decorator, memoize a function in a connection.info stash. Only applicable to functions which take no arguments other than a connection. The memo will be stored in ``connection.info[key]``. """ @util.decorator def decorated(fn, self, connection): connection = connection.connect() try: return connection.info[key] except KeyError: connection.info[key] = val = fn(self, connection) return val return decorated _no_tuple = () _no_kw = util.immutabledict() def _distill_params(connection, multiparams, params): r"""Given arguments from the calling form \*multiparams, \**params, return a list of bind parameter structures, usually a list of dictionaries. In the case of 'raw' execution which accepts positional parameters, it may be a list of tuples or lists. """ if not multiparams: if params: connection._warn_for_legacy_exec_format() return [params] else: return [] elif len(multiparams) == 1: zero = multiparams[0] if isinstance(zero, (list, tuple)): if ( not zero or hasattr(zero[0], "__iter__") and not hasattr(zero[0], "strip") ): # execute(stmt, [{}, {}, {}, ...]) # execute(stmt, [(), (), (), ...]) return zero else: # this is used by exec_driver_sql only, so a deprecation # warning would already be coming from passing a plain # textual statement with positional parameters to # execute(). # execute(stmt, ("value", "value")) return [zero] elif hasattr(zero, "keys"): # execute(stmt, {"key":"value"}) return [zero] else: connection._warn_for_legacy_exec_format() # execute(stmt, "value") return [[zero]] else: connection._warn_for_legacy_exec_format() if hasattr(multiparams[0], "__iter__") and not hasattr( multiparams[0], "strip" ): return multiparams else: return [multiparams] def _distill_cursor_params(connection, multiparams, params): """_distill_params without any warnings. more appropriate for "cursor" params that can include tuple arguments, lists of tuples, etc. """ if not multiparams: if params: return [params] else: return [] elif len(multiparams) == 1: zero = multiparams[0] if isinstance(zero, (list, tuple)): if ( not zero or hasattr(zero[0], "__iter__") and not hasattr(zero[0], "strip") ): # execute(stmt, [{}, {}, {}, ...]) # execute(stmt, [(), (), (), ...]) return zero else: # this is used by exec_driver_sql only, so a deprecation # warning would already be coming from passing a plain # textual statement with positional parameters to # execute(). # execute(stmt, ("value", "value")) return [zero] elif hasattr(zero, "keys"): # execute(stmt, {"key":"value"}) return [zero] else: # execute(stmt, "value") return [[zero]] else: if hasattr(multiparams[0], "__iter__") and not hasattr( multiparams[0], "strip" ): return multiparams else: return [multiparams] def _distill_params_20(params): if params is None: return _no_tuple, _no_kw elif isinstance(params, list): # collections_abc.MutableSequence): # avoid abc.__instancecheck__ if params and not isinstance( params[0], (collections_abc.Mapping, tuple) ): raise exc.ArgumentError( "List argument must consist only of tuples or dictionaries" ) return (params,), _no_kw elif isinstance( params, (tuple, dict, immutabledict), # avoid abc.__instancecheck__ # (collections_abc.Sequence, collections_abc.Mapping), ): return (params,), _no_kw else: raise exc.ArgumentError("mapping or sequence expected for parameters") class TransactionalContext(object): """Apply Python context manager behavior to transaction objects. Performs validation to ensure the subject of the transaction is not used if the transaction were ended prematurely. """ _trans_subject = None def _transaction_is_active(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _transaction_is_closed(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _get_subject(self): raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _trans_ctx_check(cls, subject): trans_context = subject._trans_context_manager if trans_context: if not trans_context._transaction_is_active(): raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Can't operate on closed transaction inside context " "manager. Please complete the context manager " "before emitting further commands." ) def __enter__(self): subject = self._get_subject() # none for outer transaction, may be non-None for nested # savepoint, legacy nesting cases trans_context = subject._trans_context_manager self._outer_trans_ctx = trans_context self._trans_subject = subject subject._trans_context_manager = self return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): subject = self._trans_subject # simplistically we could assume that # "subject._trans_context_manager is self". However, any calling # code that is manipulating __exit__ directly would break this # assumption. alembic context manager # is an example of partial use that just calls __exit__ and # not __enter__ at the moment. it's safe to assume this is being done # in the wild also out_of_band_exit = ( subject is None or subject._trans_context_manager is not self ) if type_ is None and self._transaction_is_active(): try: self.commit() except: with util.safe_reraise(): self.rollback() finally: if not out_of_band_exit: subject._trans_context_manager = self._outer_trans_ctx self._trans_subject = self._outer_trans_ctx = None else: try: if not self._transaction_is_active(): if not self._transaction_is_closed(): self.close() else: self.rollback() finally: if not out_of_band_exit: subject._trans_context_manager = self._outer_trans_ctx self._trans_subject = self._outer_trans_ctx = None