# sqlite/aiosqlite.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php r""" .. dialect:: sqlite+aiosqlite :name: aiosqlite :dbapi: aiosqlite :connectstring: sqlite+aiosqlite:///file_path :url: https://pypi.org/project/aiosqlite/ The aiosqlite dialect provides support for the SQLAlchemy asyncio interface running on top of pysqlite. aiosqlite is a wrapper around pysqlite that uses a background thread for each connection. It does not actually use non-blocking IO, as SQLite databases are not socket-based. However it does provide a working asyncio interface that's useful for testing and prototyping purposes. Using a special asyncio mediation layer, the aiosqlite dialect is usable as the backend for the :ref:`SQLAlchemy asyncio ` extension package. This dialect should normally be used only with the :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine` engine creation function:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine engine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///filename") The URL passes through all arguments to the ``pysqlite`` driver, so all connection arguments are the same as they are for that of :ref:`pysqlite`. """ # noqa from .base import SQLiteExecutionContext from .pysqlite import SQLiteDialect_pysqlite from ... import pool from ... import util from ...util.concurrency import await_fallback from ...util.concurrency import await_only class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_cursor: __slots__ = ( "_adapt_connection", "_connection", "description", "await_", "_rows", "arraysize", "rowcount", "lastrowid", ) server_side = False def __init__(self, adapt_connection): self._adapt_connection = adapt_connection self._connection = adapt_connection._connection self.await_ = adapt_connection.await_ self.arraysize = 1 self.rowcount = -1 self.description = None self._rows = [] def close(self): self._rows[:] = [] def execute(self, operation, parameters=None): try: _cursor = self.await_(self._connection.cursor()) if parameters is None: self.await_(_cursor.execute(operation)) else: self.await_(_cursor.execute(operation, parameters)) if _cursor.description: self.description = _cursor.description self.lastrowid = self.rowcount = -1 if not self.server_side: self._rows = self.await_(_cursor.fetchall()) else: self.description = None self.lastrowid = _cursor.lastrowid self.rowcount = _cursor.rowcount if not self.server_side: self.await_(_cursor.close()) else: self._cursor = _cursor except Exception as error: self._adapt_connection._handle_exception(error) def executemany(self, operation, seq_of_parameters): try: _cursor = self.await_(self._connection.cursor()) self.await_(_cursor.executemany(operation, seq_of_parameters)) self.description = None self.lastrowid = _cursor.lastrowid self.rowcount = _cursor.rowcount self.await_(_cursor.close()) except Exception as error: self._adapt_connection._handle_exception(error) def setinputsizes(self, *inputsizes): pass def __iter__(self): while self._rows: yield self._rows.pop(0) def fetchone(self): if self._rows: return self._rows.pop(0) else: return None def fetchmany(self, size=None): if size is None: size = self.arraysize retval = self._rows[0:size] self._rows[:] = self._rows[size:] return retval def fetchall(self): retval = self._rows[:] self._rows[:] = [] return retval class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_ss_cursor(AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_cursor): __slots__ = "_cursor" server_side = True def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): super().__init__(*arg, **kw) self._cursor = None def close(self): if self._cursor is not None: self.await_(self._cursor.close()) self._cursor = None def fetchone(self): return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchone()) def fetchmany(self, size=None): if size is None: size = self.arraysize return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchmany(size=size)) def fetchall(self): return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchall()) class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_connection: await_ = staticmethod(await_only) __slots__ = ("dbapi", "_connection") def __init__(self, dbapi, connection): self.dbapi = dbapi self._connection = connection @property def isolation_level(self): return self._connection.isolation_level @isolation_level.setter def isolation_level(self, value): try: self._connection.isolation_level = value except Exception as error: self._handle_exception(error) def create_function(self, *args, **kw): try: self.await_(self._connection.create_function(*args, **kw)) except Exception as error: self._handle_exception(error) def cursor(self, server_side=False): if server_side: return AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_ss_cursor(self) else: return AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_cursor(self) def execute(self, *args, **kw): return self.await_(self._connection.execute(*args, **kw)) def rollback(self): try: self.await_(self._connection.rollback()) except Exception as error: self._handle_exception(error) def commit(self): try: self.await_(self._connection.commit()) except Exception as error: self._handle_exception(error) def close(self): # print(">close", self) try: self.await_(self._connection.close()) except Exception as error: self._handle_exception(error) def _handle_exception(self, error): if ( isinstance(error, ValueError) and error.args[0] == "no active connection" ): util.raise_( self.dbapi.sqlite.OperationalError("no active connection"), from_=error, ) else: raise error class AsyncAdaptFallback_aiosqlite_connection(AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_connection): __slots__ = () await_ = staticmethod(await_fallback) class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_dbapi: def __init__(self, aiosqlite, sqlite): self.aiosqlite = aiosqlite self.sqlite = sqlite self.paramstyle = "qmark" self._init_dbapi_attributes() def _init_dbapi_attributes(self): for name in ( "DatabaseError", "Error", "IntegrityError", "NotSupportedError", "OperationalError", "ProgrammingError", "sqlite_version", "sqlite_version_info", ): setattr(self, name, getattr(self.aiosqlite, name)) for name in ("PARSE_COLNAMES", "PARSE_DECLTYPES"): setattr(self, name, getattr(self.sqlite, name)) for name in ("Binary",): setattr(self, name, getattr(self.sqlite, name)) def connect(self, *arg, **kw): async_fallback = kw.pop("async_fallback", False) # Q. WHY do we need this? # A. Because there is no way to set connection.isolation_level # otherwise # Q. BUT HOW do you know it is SAFE ????? # A. The only operation that isn't safe is the isolation level set # operation which aiosqlite appears to have let slip through even # though pysqlite appears to do check_same_thread for this. # All execute operations etc. should be safe because they all # go through the single executor thread. kw["check_same_thread"] = False connection = self.aiosqlite.connect(*arg, **kw) # it's a Thread. you'll thank us later connection.daemon = True if util.asbool(async_fallback): return AsyncAdaptFallback_aiosqlite_connection( self, await_fallback(connection), ) else: return AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_connection( self, await_only(connection), ) class SQLiteExecutionContext_aiosqlite(SQLiteExecutionContext): def create_server_side_cursor(self): return self._dbapi_connection.cursor(server_side=True) class SQLiteDialect_aiosqlite(SQLiteDialect_pysqlite): driver = "aiosqlite" supports_statement_cache = True is_async = True supports_server_side_cursors = True execution_ctx_cls = SQLiteExecutionContext_aiosqlite @classmethod def dbapi(cls): return AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_dbapi( __import__("aiosqlite"), __import__("sqlite3") ) @classmethod def get_pool_class(cls, url): if cls._is_url_file_db(url): return pool.NullPool else: return pool.StaticPool def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): if isinstance( e, self.dbapi.OperationalError ) and "no active connection" in str(e): return True return super().is_disconnect(e, connection, cursor) dialect = SQLiteDialect_aiosqlite