from typing import Any from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import Generic from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union __all__ = ["Store", "StoreKey"] T = TypeVar("T") D = TypeVar("D") class StoreKey(Generic[T]): """StoreKey is an object used as a key to a Store. A StoreKey is associated with the type T of the value of the key. A StoreKey is unique and cannot conflict with another key. """ __slots__ = () class Store: """Store is a type-safe heterogenous mutable mapping that allows keys and value types to be defined separately from where it (the Store) is created. Usually you will be given an object which has a ``Store``: .. code-block:: python store: Store = If a module wants to store data in this Store, it creates StoreKeys for its keys (at the module level): .. code-block:: python some_str_key = StoreKey[str]() some_bool_key = StoreKey[bool]() To store information: .. code-block:: python # Value type must match the key. store[some_str_key] = "value" store[some_bool_key] = True To retrieve the information: .. code-block:: python # The static type of some_str is str. some_str = store[some_str_key] # The static type of some_bool is bool. some_bool = store[some_bool_key] Why use this? ------------- Problem: module Internal defines an object. Module External, which module Internal doesn't know about, receives the object and wants to attach information to it, to be retrieved later given the object. Bad solution 1: Module External assigns private attributes directly on the object. This doesn't work well because the type checker doesn't know about these attributes and it complains about undefined attributes. Bad solution 2: module Internal adds a ``Dict[str, Any]`` attribute to the object. Module External stores its data in private keys of this dict. This doesn't work well because retrieved values are untyped. Good solution: module Internal adds a ``Store`` to the object. Module External mints StoreKeys for its own keys. Module External stores and retrieves its data using these keys. """ __slots__ = ("_store",) def __init__(self) -> None: self._store: Dict[StoreKey[Any], object] = {} def __setitem__(self, key: StoreKey[T], value: T) -> None: """Set a value for key.""" self._store[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key: StoreKey[T]) -> T: """Get the value for key. Raises ``KeyError`` if the key wasn't set before. """ return cast(T, self._store[key]) def get(self, key: StoreKey[T], default: D) -> Union[T, D]: """Get the value for key, or return default if the key wasn't set before.""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def setdefault(self, key: StoreKey[T], default: T) -> T: """Return the value of key if already set, otherwise set the value of key to default and return default.""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: self[key] = default return default def __delitem__(self, key: StoreKey[T]) -> None: """Delete the value for key. Raises ``KeyError`` if the key wasn't set before. """ del self._store[key] def __contains__(self, key: StoreKey[T]) -> bool: """Return whether key was set.""" return key in self._store