import distutils.util # FIXME: For change_root. import logging import os import sys import sysconfig import typing from pip._internal.exceptions import InvalidSchemeCombination, UserInstallationInvalid from pip._internal.models.scheme import SCHEME_KEYS, Scheme from pip._internal.utils.virtualenv import running_under_virtualenv from .base import get_major_minor_version logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Notes on _infer_* functions. # Unfortunately ``_get_default_scheme()`` is private, so there's no way to # ask things like "what is the '_prefix' scheme on this platform". These # functions try to answer that with some heuristics while accounting for ad-hoc # platforms not covered by CPython's default sysconfig implementation. If the # ad-hoc implementation does not fully implement sysconfig, we'll fall back to # a POSIX scheme. _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES = set(sysconfig.get_scheme_names()) def _infer_prefix(): # type: () -> str """Try to find a prefix scheme for the current platform. This tries: * Implementation + OS, used by PyPy on Windows (``pypy_nt``). * Implementation without OS, used by PyPy on POSIX (``pypy``). * OS + "prefix", used by CPython on POSIX (``posix_prefix``). * Just the OS name, used by CPython on Windows (``nt``). If none of the above works, fall back to ``posix_prefix``. """ implementation_suffixed = f"{}_{}" if implementation_suffixed in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: return implementation_suffixed if in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: return suffixed = f"{}_prefix" if suffixed in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: return suffixed if in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: # On Windows, prefx is just called "nt". return return "posix_prefix" def _infer_user(): # type: () -> str """Try to find a user scheme for the current platform.""" suffixed = f"{}_user" if suffixed in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: return suffixed if "posix_user" not in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: # User scheme unavailable. raise UserInstallationInvalid() return "posix_user" def _infer_home(): # type: () -> str """Try to find a home for the current platform.""" suffixed = f"{}_home" if suffixed in _AVAILABLE_SCHEMES: return suffixed return "posix_home" # Update these keys if the user sets a custom home. _HOME_KEYS = [ "installed_base", "base", "installed_platbase", "platbase", "prefix", "exec_prefix", ] if sysconfig.get_config_var("userbase") is not None: _HOME_KEYS.append("userbase") def get_scheme( dist_name, # type: str user=False, # type: bool home=None, # type: typing.Optional[str] root=None, # type: typing.Optional[str] isolated=False, # type: bool prefix=None, # type: typing.Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> Scheme """ Get the "scheme" corresponding to the input parameters. :param dist_name: the name of the package to retrieve the scheme for, used in the headers scheme path :param user: indicates to use the "user" scheme :param home: indicates to use the "home" scheme :param root: root under which other directories are re-based :param isolated: ignored, but kept for distutils compatibility (where this controls whether the user-site pydistutils.cfg is honored) :param prefix: indicates to use the "prefix" scheme and provides the base directory for the same """ if user and prefix: raise InvalidSchemeCombination("--user", "--prefix") if home and prefix: raise InvalidSchemeCombination("--home", "--prefix") if home is not None: scheme_name = _infer_home() elif user: scheme_name = _infer_user() else: scheme_name = _infer_prefix() if home is not None: variables = {k: home for k in _HOME_KEYS} elif prefix is not None: variables = {k: prefix for k in _HOME_KEYS} else: variables = {} paths = sysconfig.get_paths(scheme=scheme_name, vars=variables) # Logic here is very arbitrary, we're doing it for compatibility, don't ask. # 1. Pip historically uses a special header path in virtual environments. # 2. If the distribution name is not known, distutils uses 'UNKNOWN'. We # only do the same when not running in a virtual environment because # pip's historical header path logic (see point 1) did not do this. if running_under_virtualenv(): if user: base = variables.get("userbase", sys.prefix) else: base = variables.get("base", sys.prefix) python_xy = f"python{get_major_minor_version()}" paths["include"] = os.path.join(base, "include", "site", python_xy) elif not dist_name: dist_name = "UNKNOWN" scheme = Scheme( platlib=paths["platlib"], purelib=paths["purelib"], headers=os.path.join(paths["include"], dist_name), scripts=paths["scripts"], data=paths["data"], ) if root is not None: for key in SCHEME_KEYS: value = distutils.util.change_root(root, getattr(scheme, key)) setattr(scheme, key, value) return scheme def get_bin_prefix(): # type: () -> str # Forcing to use /usr/local/bin for standard macOS framework installs. if sys.platform[:6] == "darwin" and sys.prefix[:16] == "/System/Library/": return "/usr/local/bin" return sysconfig.get_paths()["scripts"] def get_purelib(): # type: () -> str return sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"] def get_platlib(): # type: () -> str return sysconfig.get_paths()["platlib"] def get_prefixed_libs(prefix): # type: (str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str] paths = sysconfig.get_paths(vars={"base": prefix, "platbase": prefix}) return (paths["purelib"], paths["platlib"])